TrueAlert Non-Addressable Multi-Tone Horns & Horn/Strobes


  • Critical audio and visible notification during emergencies: These wall-mounted appliances feature seven selectable tones with high and low decibel (dBA) setting. Strobes can be set at candela ratings from 15 to 185.
  • Easy configuration and service: Flexible selection of output tones for fire alarm audible notification. Tone selection and output level is set for each appliance, allowing notification to be tailored to specific area requirements.
  • NFPA compliant low frequency sounder: TrueAlert ES Multi-Tone Horns can generate a 520Hz tone that meets NFPA 72 requirements for certain sleeping areas and is proven by research to be more effective at waking occupants.


The perfect fire detection system is energy-efficient, dependable, easy to maintain and excellent at alerting occupants when there’s an emergency. TrueAlert addressable notification appliances deliver all this and more.

  • Users can select from seven tones with high and low decibel (dBA) settings. Strobes can be set at candela ratings from 15 to 185
  • NFPA-compliant, 520Hz low frequency sounder is more effective at waking sleepers
  • Automatic compliance with notification synchronization requirements satisfies the ADA


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Andree Mark

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Andree Mark

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